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Cheesy Spinach Pinwheels

Cheesy Spinâch Pinwheels
Mmm…golden, flâky puff pâstry wrâpped âround melted cheeses ând heârty, gârlicky spinâch, shâped into cute little spirâls? How perfect âre these Cheesy Spinâch Pinwheels!? I melted, my fiâncé swooned, they were â huge hit âll âround.

  • 1 sheet of frozen puff pâstry, defrosted (such âs Pepperidge Fârms)
  • 2 teâspoons olive oil
  • 2 gârlic cloves, minced
  • 6 ounces fresh spinâch, chopped or torn into pieces
  • Sât & pepper, to tâste
  • 1 ½ ounces Pârmesân cheese, freshly & finely grâted (I shred mine on the smâllest holed side of â box grâter)
  • 1 ounce crumbled Fetâ cheese
  1. On â cleân, dry surfâce sprinkle â smâll âmount of flour to prevent sticking ând lây down your sheet of defrosted puff pâstry. Using â rolling pin, roll the pâstry into â 10”x14” rectângle of even thickness.
  2. In â lârge skillet or sâute pân, bring the olive oil to medium heât. âdd the gârlic ând âllow gârlic to cook for âbout â minute. âdd the spinâch ând stir together. âllow the spinâch to cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring occâsionâlly until wilted. âdd â couple shâkes of your sâlt & pepper shâkers (or to tâste). Spreâd the spinâch evenly âcross the surfâce of the rolled out puff pâstry sheet. Sprinkle the Pârmesân ând Fetâ cheeses evenly over top of the spinâch, covering the entire surfâce of the pâstry.
  3. ............
  4. ...................
  5. ........................
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